This Privacy Policy has been created to provide information about how we protect the privacy of users of this website operated by Arkeo Art (hereinafter referred to as "Our Site"). This policy contains instructions on how to use and protect your personal information if you share it with us using our Site.

1. Information Collected

1.1. Personal Information: While using our site, you can provide us with personal information such as your name, surname, e-mail address and telephone number. This information is used for order processing, customer service, and to process your requests and communicate with you.

1.2. Cookies and Tracking Technologies: Our Site may use cookies and similar tracking technologies to improve user experience and analyze our Site. These technologies help us track how often you visit our Site, which pages you visit, and how long you stay. You can reject or delete cookies by changing your browser settings, but be aware that some of our Site features may not work properly in this case.

2. Use of Information

2.1. The personal information we collect is used for the following purposes:

Management of order transactions, payment and delivery processes.
To provide you with special offers, campaigns and product updates.
Customer service and responding to your questions.
Personalizing and improving the user experience of our site.
Compliance with legal requirements.
3. Information Sharing

3.1. We do not share your personal information with third parties without your consent, except for legal requirements or the need to cooperate with third-party service providers.

4. Security

4.1. We take reasonable physical, electronic and managerial security measures to protect your personal information. However, remember that any security measure may not be 100% effective. It is important to be careful when sharing your information through our Site.

5. Third Party Links

5.1. Our site may contain links to third-party websites. Please be aware that we cannot control the privacy policies and practices of these third-party sites. It is recommended that you review these sites' privacy policies before visiting them.

6. Privacy Policy Updates

6.1. Our Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. We may make such updates without notice, so it is important that you check this policy regularly.

7. Contact Information

7.1. If you have any questions or comments regarding the Privacy Policy, please contact us via the contact information below:

Archeo Art



By reading and accepting this Privacy Policy, you accept this policy by continuing to use our Site. If you do not accept the changes to the Policy, you should stop using our Site.