The Code of Hammurabi: The First Written Laws in History and the Symbol of Justice

Code of Hammurabi: The First Written Laws in History and the Symbol of Justice

Civilizations around the world have created various laws and regulations throughout history in order to ensure justice, protect social order and guarantee the rights of the people. One of the oldest and most impressive of these laws is the Code of Hammurabi, written by Hammurabi, the great king of Mesopotamia.

A King's Vision

B.C. Hammurabi, who was the head of the Babylonian Kingdom between 1792 and 1750, was a ruler who took his kingdom to the top and was known for his justice. In order to strengthen his government and provide fair governance to his people, he created the first written laws in history.

Laws Written in Stone

The Code of Hammurabi was written in Akkadian cuneiform script on a large diorite column decorated with a relief of Hammurabi standing before the Babylonian god Shamash. This monument is the product of an approach that emphasizes that laws should be declared not only within the kingdom but also to the whole public.

Content of Laws

These laws, consisting of 282 articles in total, cover various social, economic and moral issues. It includes a wide range of articles, from family life to trade, from property rights to criminal proceedings. These laws define crimes and punishments in detail and limit primitive methods of revenge, such as "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

The Cornerstone of a Civilization

The Code of Hammurabi provides unique information about the social and cultural structure of the Mesopotamian civilization. At the same time, these laws show how the universality of justice and law constitute a common denominator between different cultures and civilizations throughout history.


The Code of Hammurabi is a unique document that shows how justice and order were maintained in the dusty pages of history. These laws are of great importance both historically and culturally and provide in-depth information about the evolution of law and its role in preserving social order. As ArkeoBlog, we present you the story of these ancient laws and recommend you to discover the rich history of Mesopotamia.

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